Follow-up: Louis Malle and ‘Au Revoir Les Enfants‘

Links to videos and articles which may be of interest to those who attended our screening of Louis Malle’s ‘Au Revoir Les Enfants‘ (14 April 2023), in partnership with the Institut français d’Écosse (French Institute of Scotland).

Spoiler Alert: If you haven’t yet seen the film, key plot elements are described or shown in the material listed below.

> Au revoir les enfants – film review (James Travers,

> Au Revoir Les Enfants – An Introduction (Dr Martin Hurcombe, Reader in French Studies at the University of Bristol, speaks about the film’s universal themes of childhood, loss and separation and discusses the notable cultural and historical impact the film had in 1980s France as the nation continued to contemplate its involvement in the Holocaust. Introduction to the film at Watershed in January 2015. Conversations About Cinema, YouTube.)

> BFI at Home I Filmmakers in Focus: Louis Malle (In this discussion, BFI programmer-at-large Geoff Andrew and Sue Harris, Professor of Film Studies at Queen Mary University of London, focus on these three titles to look at what made Malle such a rewarding filmmaker. BFI, YouTube.)