Volunteer Structure

The Edinburgh Film Guild is managed by volunteers who deal with all the aspects of running a film society, registered charity and company limited by guarantee. For specific enquiries about the Guild’s work, please contact us via admin@edinburghfilmguild.org.uk or by using our contact form. See: ‘About’ for more information on the Guild.

Council and Committees

The Edinburgh Film Guild has a Council and various Committees, that work on things like marketing and programming.


  • Jim Dunnigan (Chair)
  • Phil Denning (Secretary)
  • David Alexander
  • Gillian Gloyer
  • Richard Walker
  • Ian McFarlane
  • John Wood
  • Perry O’Halloran (co-opted)

Programming Committee

  • Richard Walker (Convenor)
  • David Alexander
  • Jim Dunnigan
  • Aliosha Herrera
  • Richard Kendall
  • Gavin MacDonald

The Edinburgh Film Guild is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in Scotland.
Registered Company Number SC029406
Registered Charity Number SC041851